We are in the fourth week of our MAMAPRENEUR program (tele-summit to launch in 2011) and the assignment for this week is to have at least one ORGASM! We have been crystallizing our passions and clarifying our intentions. Like the approaching full moon, we are overflowing with ideas. We are surrendering and in doing so are embracing our deepest fears and welcoming in ecstatic possibilities simultaneously. And we recognize the honoring of our most sacred selves as a way to do good in the world.
Our bodies are the Divine Vessels through which our visions and energies flow. The wounds we carry in the cells of our being mirror the inflictions taking place upon Mother Earth. We are she and She is we. Sensual energy is all about creation & manifestation. As we allow our organic, orgasmic life force energy to open and unfold, we tap into a collective universal power where true healing can take place and the paradigm shift can occur.
Once we have addressed the physical needs of our bodies we can move on to the mental and spiritual finding a balance of the three. When these three aspects our aligned we begin to live from a place of Divine Truth where we are in the flow: HIGH VIBRATION LIFESTYLE. As we raise our vibrations, our resonance attracts like minded visionaries sharing similar co-created realities. From this place we are able to then enter into Authentic Abundance – where we can take our inner riches and share them with the world from a place of service.