Welcome to the Blog for Busy Moms!
This blog is the home of THE MAMALUTION! Calling all moms, grandmoms, sisters & aunts to tap into their instinctual & intuitive wisdom to save the day! It is time for our collective voice to be heard.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Authentic Abundance

The time is here for women to step forward and use our power to shape the marketplace. We own 51% of the assets and literally, hold in our hands, the power to create massive change. Even beyond conscious consumerism where women impact 81% of all purchases, we can come together to strategically invest our money collectively and support only businesses operating in sustainable and ethical ways. We are being provided an opportunity to recognize our own power and to be courageous enough to take action.

We all deserve financial freedom. We deserve to live a good life without the financial stress resulting from our current lifestyles. No longer do we need to live beyond our means... the credit card of environmental resources is past its limit. We are in overdraft and it is time to re-structure our world so that all people have access to clean water, real food, clothing and shelter. Those of those who have these basic needs met are in the top 17% of the population whereas the other 83% go without. 

Our thriving economy and industrialized nations have not created more equality but rather more disparity. We need to let go of the "Smart Shopper Syndrome". We need to begin to recognize the true cost of real food for example. It is time to look closely and see what the impacts of our quest for cheap really are. Our "success" should not be determined by how much money we make but rather an identification of the ways we contribute to society - raising children with their instincts intact, caring for the elderly, teaching life skills....We need to return to the ways that come natural to women. Cooperation rather than competition - the path of Nature itself. The prevalent pathological perspective is leading to our own destruction.

Check out Women Moving Millions and see what is possible!

and look for the new film release of Awaken Your Riches - based on the principles outlined in the popular book Think & Grow Rich. The film explores consciousness as money and the idea that we are mere conduits for this exchange of energy. It is time to consider our relationship to money. We are creating a new template and opening up to the deep healing that needs to occur in order to bring our planet back into balance. How can we transform our choices to spend money as ways to do good in the world?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Full Moon Activatiion of our Visions

We are in the fourth week of our MAMAPRENEUR program (tele-summit to launch in 2011) and the assignment for this week is to have at least one ORGASM! We have been crystallizing our passions and clarifying our intentions. Like the approaching full moon, we are overflowing with ideas. We are surrendering and in doing so are embracing our deepest fears and welcoming in ecstatic possibilities simultaneously. And we recognize the honoring of our most sacred selves as a way to do good in the world.

Our bodies are the Divine Vessels through which our visions and energies flow.  The wounds we carry in the cells of our being mirror the inflictions taking place upon Mother Earth. We are she and She is we.  Sensual energy is all about creation & manifestation. As we allow our organic, orgasmic life force energy to open and unfold, we tap into a collective universal power where true healing can take place and the paradigm shift can occur. 

Once we have addressed the physical needs of our bodies we can move on to the mental and spiritual finding a balance of the three. When these three aspects our aligned we begin to live from a place of Divine Truth where we are in the flow: HIGH VIBRATION LIFESTYLE. As we raise our vibrations, our resonance attracts like minded visionaries sharing similar co-created realities. From this place we are able to then enter into Authentic Abundance – where we can take our inner riches and share them with the world from a place of service.

Join me on the Green Tantra Social Networking Site

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Vote for the MAMALUTION!

The Mamalution is a Revolution of Moms....
taking back the planet through conscious consumerism,
collective investing & a global marketplace of "Mamapreneurs"
I am seeking your vote of support for Phase One of the competition!
Winning this contest will launch the MAMALUTION on a global scale with a $50,000 marketing package prize!

Important, please note it is a two step process:

First register at
The Best Brilliant Idea for Humanity
Then, after your confirmation email, vote for Imani


I will need your vote again for Round Two so stay tuned!
I greatly appreciate your support!!!

Vote for the Mamalution! #198 from Imani TGG on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

High Vibration Lifestyle Retreat at Grail Springs!

Join me for a special 5 day Sustainable Living & Raw Food Immersion on October 10th-15th   
Discover ways to energize your body, detoxify your temple, clarify your priorities and magnetize your intentions to be aligned with your inner calling. Our focus will be on conscious consumption with food as the foundation to fuel our passion. Together, we will make simple, nutritious and delicious recipes that you can easily duplicate at home on your own. You will learn about the health benefits of eating more high vibration living foods, time saving tips, formulas for multi-tasking around food preparation and raw food basics to ensure your success! Each day we will spend two and a half hours in hands-on, interactive meal preparation and discussion that will nourish us during our entire time together. We will re-awaken and delight your taste buds, ignite your inspiration and activate your life force. Restore your vision. Renew your Spirit. Reunite with your Tribe!
Recipes and related literature will be made available to each participant to take home!

Our Mamaliscious Menu:   
Simple & Delicious Live Food Recipes & Hands-on Demos to Inspire, Purify and Restore

Food Preparation Class Themes:
MonDay 1 – Dressings, Soups & Marinades; overview of sprouting
TuesDay 2 – Dehydration 1 & Nut Pates (flax crax, nuts & seeds)
WednesDay 3- Nut Cheeses/Nut Mylks & Tasty Treats
ThursDay 4– Dehydration 2 (kale chips, granola & pizza crusts)
FriDay 5 – Decadent Desserts

Daily Itinerary:
  • 7:45am Wake-up with Wheatgrass/E3 Live Shot followed by 20-min 'Break-a-Sweat'
  • 8:15am morning breakfast refresher
  • 8:45am Grail Morning Mantra
  • 9am Intuitive Yoga with Imani
  • 10:30-1:30pm Hands-on-Food Preparation and Demonstration Class each day - preparing your own lunch with Imani
  • 1:30pm Nature Hike
  • 2:30-5pm spa leisure time
  • 5:00 Meditation & Mantra
  • 6pm dinner (prepared during food prep)
  • 7pm Each evening we gather in the beautiful Great Hall for an evening of “inspirationals” on living a sustainable life!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Awakening the Dreamer

Changing the Dream of the Modern World: Awakening the Dreamer Initiative

In the mid-1990's, through a mysterious set of circumstances, a group of North Americans visited a remote and intact group of indigenous people - the Achuar - located deep in the Amazonian region of Ecuador.
This relationship that was to become The Pachamama Alliance, was actually initiated by the indigenous elders and shamans themselves who, out of their deep concern for the growing threat to their ancient way of life, and their recognition that the roots of this threat lay far beyond their rainforest home, actively sought the partnership of committed individuals living in the modern world.

They remind us that one of the most powerful actions that can be taken in support of the rainforest and its inhabitants is to “change the dream of the North,” since it is our dream—our desires and appetites—that is driving the destruction of the rainforests around the world. Ultimately, to assure the long-term survival of our rainforests, and indeed of the natural world and even ourselves, we need to address the core values and ways of seeing the world that are deeply imbedded in our modern worldview.

Thus, AWAKEN THE DREAMER was born as a multi-sensory and participatory exploration of the challenges facing us during this most critical time. Around the world groups are gathering, a 12 step program of sorts for those “addicted to oil” and the culture it has created. The facilitated program incorporates stunning and powerful visuals interspersed with dialog within the group about the feelings (the fear, shame, guilt, overwhelm…) that we all share when confronted with the reality facing us today.

The mission of AWAKEN THE DREAMER is to bring forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just human presence on Planet Earth. It is a great precursor to the Transition Town Initiative (www.transitiontown.us) that call citizens to come together to find creative solutions in their own community for the challenges presented around peak oil, climate change and economic collapse.

In the meantime, check out the video from the recent Awaken the Dreamer Symposium I attended in Ontario at Grail Springs (www.grailsprings.com) that my dear friend Madeline hosted!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

There is a SHIFT afoot

Can you feel the pulse....it is the calling we are all hearing in the corners of our minds....it was activated at Grail Springs Grail Lady Faire last week in Ontario as a hundred women gathered to welcome in the new paradigm we are all participating in. As we step back and look around we begin to see overlapping circles getting smaller and more refined. The vision is crystallizing and every single conversation, interaction and new idea has relevance. I feel honored to be amidst several circles of creative, visionary thinkers leading the way. I encourage you to join us.

Check out the SHIFT Network at http://www.theshiftnetwork.com/

Join me on the course, starting tonight if you can!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

"The Enlightened Woodstock for Women" Expect the Unexpected!

I have been to a lot of women’s festivals over the years….self discovery, empowerment, herbal medicinals, energy healing, tantra….but I have yet to find a circle of “conscious” women overlapping their interest in women’s health & well being with that of the planet. I am thrilled to be participating at one such event – The Grail Lady Faire at Grail Springs in Ontario - Canada's 1st Ever Festival for Women Who Care About Our Planet! This HERSTORIC event will weave together concepts of sustainable living while brainstorming the possibilities on how we can use our positions, power & numbers to make a difference! A gathering of women on the cutting edge of a movement that can’t yet be named -only felt in our bones. We are coming together to strategize, mobilize and energize.
Meet renowned authors and change makers, have lunch with green business leaders, discover new passions with Janet Attwood, get inspired by the dynamic Dale Allen, bring your drum and join evening drumming circle by the waterfront led by transformational recording artist Pamela Gerrand, and Alisa Starkweather founder of the Red Tent Temple Movement, Minnie Matouch from Canada's Cree Nation. And so many more amazing, inspiring women who will touch your hearts, minds and Spirit!
Awaken the Dreamer!...7 days of celebration, creative activism, peace, ceremony, music, art, culture, green business, provocative learning and sharing, and co-creating the New World! I will be presenting “Women Taking Back the Planet – Viva la MAMALUTION” on Saturday, July 3rd.  How can we do that? As women, we are driving the markets with our dollars, we are birthing and raising the future generations and we are infiltrating into positions of power. It is our responsibility to take action. We have easy access to information that other women around the world may not have. We have the resources to make a difference!

The United States makes up 4% of the world population yet consumes 25% of the world’s resources. Women make up 51% of the United States population and make more than 80% of all consumer purchasing decisions. We are the silent voices in the “green” movement, and as consumers, we have the greatest impact on the economy. Now is the time for the feminine voice to be heard!

A movement that supports increasing numbers of women stepping up as creative entrepreneurs and demanding more sustainable choices for their families is needed. By developing strategies to enable existing and up and coming green businesses to efficiently work together through joint marketing and branding efforts, we will build a stronger presence in the marketplace ultimately making it easier and more affordable for consumers to buy green.  It’s time to Up the Revolution!  Practical, sustainable and savvy style is shaping a future generation of conscious consumers with the power to create change in the world. Our intention is to weave together grassroots efforts initiated by women visionaries of living more sustainable and fulfilling lives with ACTION.  As one collective unified voice we are unstoppable. The Goal:  5 million consumers who will affect the marketplace with how they choose to spend their dollars and who will define how business is done in the future.  LET’S TIP THE SCALE!

Tickets for Grail Lady Faire on Sale NOW ~ Includes Vegetarian Buffet Picnic Lunch:
Attend all 7-days from June 27-July 4     $495 pp Best Buy!
First 5-days from June 27-July 2               $395 pp
Last 2-days from July 2 to July 4              $225 pp
Single days from June 28-July 1                $95 pp

Author of The Absence of Soil &
Visionary behind The MAMALUTION

To contact Imani call 860.983.5276
Follow her on Facebook @ the Mamalution & Twitter.com/Mamalution

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Slow Money Gathering

“The world will be saved by the western woman” – The Dalai Lama

We talk about conscious consumerism but few of us realize the power that we, as western women, have as a whole to create change on this planet simply in the ways we shop. One area that is still frequently overlooked pertains to the food we buy. Increasing interest in farmer’s markets, CSA’s and local foods is steadily growing. It’s popular, tastes good and builds community. But it is more than that. 

Supporting local small food enterprises grows the local economy. There is an international movement based on the book Slow Money by Woody Tasch. The mission is to build local and national networks, and develop new financial products and services, dedicated to:

• investing in small food enterprises and local food systems;

• connecting investors to their local economies; and,

• building the nurture capital industry.

Soil fertility, carrying capacity, sense of place, care of the commons, cultural, ecological and economic health and diversity, nonviolence -- these are the fundamentals of nurture capital, a new financial sector supporting the emergence of a restorative economy. These are the fundamentals of the Slow Money Principles. Slow Money's goal is: a million Americans investing 1% of their assets in local food systems within a decade. Let us, as western woman, be part of that 1 percent!

The second national Slow Money gathering is happening at Shelburne Farms in Vermont on June 9-11th. For more information about Slow Money go to www.slowmoneyalliance.org

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Slow Money Conference

I will be at the SLOW MONEY Conference! Will you? Would love to meet you! Shelburne Farms, Vermont - June 9-11, 2010

Slow Money… It’s not an ISM (as in capitalism, socialism, consumerism, market fundamentalism…).

But it is a new way of connecting investors to local food systems, catalyzing new forms of social investing and philanthropy for the 21st century. Join the emerging
network of investors, donors, entrepreneurs, farmers, and activists who are giving birth to the nurture capital industry.

Come to Shelburne Farms, a working farm and forest and National Historic Landmark -- a setting uniquely imbued with the history of capitalism and a nonprofit organization dedicated to forging a new future through sustainability education, creating social enterprises and strengthening local food systems. Enjoy the natural beauty of Lake Champlain. Meet thought leaders and change agents from around the country who are joining in this exciting project: designing capital markets that go beyond extraction and consumption all the way to preservation and restoration… starting with food and soil fertility.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Grow Food As If Your Life Depended On It

 One way to secure a future for our children is as simple as growing our own food. Sounds pretty basic but the power of such an act is unfathomable. This can be as simple as planting a few tomato plants on your deck, a window box full of herbs or trying your skills with raised beds in your backyard. Live in the city and don’t have a yard? Then look into community gardens in your neighborhood!

Remember the Victory Gardens of WWI? Also known as food gardens for defense, Victory Gardens were fruit, vegetable and herb gardens planted at private residences, rooftops, vacant lots and public parks designed to reduce the pressure on the public food supply brought on by the war effort. 

A sense of empowerment and patriotism grew out of the effort and the US Department of Agric
gardens were planted. Fruit and vegetables harvested in these home and community plots was estimated to be 9-10 million tons, an amount equal to all commercial production of fresh vegetables.

A similar movement is taking hold again today with an insurgence of community garden, urban food growing programs and woofing opportunities (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, www.wwoof.org). A great urban success story teaching local youth the power in growing their own food is Growing Power in Milwaukee (www.growingpower.org). 
Other things you can do if growing a garden isn’t possible this season….

Buy a CSA Share (Community Supported Agriculture) – CSAs link farmers with the local consumers in their region seeking real food! It is a shared risk model where you as the consumer invest in the seasons harvest by supplying the farmer with the up front capital to grow food. Most are a 16-20 week season ranging anywhere from $450-$600 share depending on the region, what they grow and whether or not they are growing organically. Some have pick-your own (berries, peas, tomatoes) in addition to the weekly box of harvested food. CSAs are great learning opportunities for kids and adults alike. You become more in tune with the seasons and become aware of what crops when; you get to experiment with produce that you may not typically buy and you get to experience the taste and health benefits of fresh food. Some CSAs even offer work share where members can help on the farm.

Live in Connecticut? Support our effort to save a 30 year local organic farm by investing in a three year CSA share! Alchemy Acres will serve as a learning center for growing nutrient dense food, provide such foods to the community as well as be a sister site for our urban permadise project! Email for details at Imani@thegreenvibration.com

Support SFEs (Small Food Enterprises) such as an organic café (like mine! www.alchemyjuicebar.com) or your local health food store or farm stand! “Family farmers are the microorganisms in the soil of the restorative economy…(and) local entrepreneurs are its earthworms” from my current favorite read: SLOW MONEY – investing as if food, farms & fertility mattered by Woody Tasch. Check out the website at www.slowmoneyalliance.org

Know where your food comes! Support your local suppliers of fresh, organic, real food! This simple act may just be the one thing that elicits the change our planet needs!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Urban Permadise

Check out these videos - one on my birthday this past weekend - to establish the ROOTS of our community as we embark on a journey to co-create a permadise in the middle of Hartford, the captial city here in CT. Stay tuned as we turn this place into an urban jungle with a little bit of information, a lot of passion &  inspiration.

The second video is from my trip to Miami - it is a 2 acre permadise in the middle of the city...check it out!

Urban Permadise from Imani TGG on Vimeo.
Permadise in Hartford from Imani TGG on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Found myself in Miami of all places with my daughter's dance school this week....so I thought it might be an appropriate time to talk about eco-travel.....

Traveling, in many ways, can be one of the most un-sustainable carbon emitting things we do….flying, for example, puts Americans WAY in the lead as far as carbon footprints go….Odd to think that only 5% of the world’s population has ever flown and many of us have flown multiple times….even within one year! The super eco-conscious traveler (& frequent flyer) will look into carbon offsetting (now this doesn’t justify the flying – try to have teleconference calls & minimize need to travel) or better yet alternative methods of travel when available). The premise behind carbon offsets is that we (individuals on a small scale and corporations on a large scale) can “buy off” the damaging and unethical impacts of our behaviors rather than changing the behaviors themselves. Of course it is good to plant more trees but are they being planted in a way that is authentically impacting the planet in a good way (corruption is everywhere) and have we modified our own behaviors to lessen our carbon footprint? Choose a local tree-planting initiative or buy a share from your local organic café as a way to invest your money towards protecting the environment while growing your local economy.

So I thought the best way to talk about eco-travel is to simply outline what I do when on the road….and give you some tips on how to succeed being a “green” traveler!

In order to make sure that I have organic (aka real food) options I pack some of my own…. Avocados, Red Peppers, Cucumbers travel well. I stuff some in my suitcase (which will be radiated) and then others along with my meal for the plane in my handy stainless steel to-go-ware (http://www.to-goware.com/) packed full and I also remember to bring cute little bamboo-ware set. When I travel I use no plastic water bottles or to-go ware – I bring my own and simply rinse & re-use.

I found out on this trip that the don’t radiate the items that go through the check point – simply scan them. They always ask to see what’s inside my to-go-ware and I always invite them to try a taste (usually I pack a pate in the smaller top compartment and greens on the bottom). I cut up red peppers, cukes & an avocado in half so they are ready to eat – esp. if it is a long flight.
I also pack an assortment of soaked & sprouted nuts and seeds, some seaweed, dehydrated fruit (this trip it was pineapple slices & golden berries from Ultimate Superfoods – http://www.ultimatesuperfoods.com/ – nice travel sizes). I also don’t go anywhere without a shaker of Herbamere seasoning salt, 2oz package of Shilajit and cacao bar from Ultimate Raw. I bring my thermos (empty of course) and several empty reusable water bottles. I simply have the hotel or nearby coffee shop fill my thermos (for free) with hot water and add the Shilajit and have a mineral drink each morning. I savor each square of cacao with my afternoon mineral drink….this trip I had to bring food for both me and my daughter so I packed some fresh fruit and dehydrated kale chips (though those did not last the plane trip).
When I travel I try and support local small businesses…so I will search out local health food stores & organic cafes by searching online. I look for eco-friendly B & B’s or next in line “green” hotels that use conserve resources (energy & water): low-flush toilets, LED Lighting, option to re-use linens & towels, recycled paper products (NOT KIMBERLY CLARK) & earth friendly personal care products….In this case with my daughter’s dance school trip. I did not make any of the travel or accommodations arrangements and our HILTON hotel on Biscayne is beautiful but NOT green. I gave housekeeping a few days off and had the girls in the room reuse their towels and I will be sure to leave my comments when we check out about how they might consider eco-friendly improvements!

Ok – so here’s my food itinerary from my trip to Miami (not my choice destination mind you!) this past week with my daughter Kailah (and her dance school) & how it unfolded….or how I survived!
Wednesday- Leave Hartford at noon – drank my morning Super Green Smoothie (of course my daughter insisted on arriving EXTRA early so I was feeling a bit hungry before we were on the plane!) Drank my thermos of Shiligit. Arrive in Miami around 7pm – finished off the kale chips and filled my water bottle half way on the plane. At the hotel made a nori roll with the walnut pate, sprouts, red peppers, cuke & avocad
Thursday morning – very little sleep in a room full of giddy girls who had to be up at 5am for an audition! What! Drank my Shilajit in the morning – gave Kailah an apple and nuts for breakfast. Ate another nori roll (last of the pate). Headed for South Beach – the only organic place (pasta – Kailah was so excited – was only open for dinner). Found a Whole Foods and bought her lunch and some bars and fruit for the next three mornings. Drank a Kombucha and a Garden of Life Rasp, Chocolate & Greens Bar (been awhile since I had one of those!) bought at a nearby local health food store (in search of smoothie but none of theirs were organic L). Ate some brazil nuts & golden berries in the evening.
Friday Morning – Shilijit & piece of cacao; mid day two tangerines, a few nuts & golden berries. Took the girls to a nearby natural food café (no organic even thought the menu looked like someone knew something – next day the health dept closed the place L!) I ate the remaining cucumber, pepper & avocado I brought sprinkled with Herbamere…delicious! Had some mini live coconut macaroon treats.

Friday Dinner at Metro Organic Bistro (www.metroorganicbistro.com – check out my video) Yippee & YUM! Tantalizing arugula salad with roasted beet & goat cheese & a rare hamburger with sweet potato fries! Everyone in the group that I coerced to join me LOVED it!

Saturday Morning – Shilijit and a cool expedition to Earth-n-us Farm in the middle of urban Miami! Lunch at noon @ Om Garden Café (www.OmGardenOnline.com – check out my video)– blueberry, pineapple, coconut smoothie, sushi roll with salad and a live pizza – ate half and saved half….took a veggie juice to go for tomorrow’s breakfast and filled all the water bottles (forgot to do that at Metro Bistro the day before and was a bit dehydrated!) Oh yeah – live blueberry vanilla cheesecake….

Saturday night– my daughter nibbled on the remaining raw food leftovers and I finished them off….I had some berries & pineapple earlier as well…feeling very full – my heaviest day of eating in the last 24 hours…still have some nuts & dried fruit, two tangerines & one apple (for Kailah), half a green bar & some of the mini macaroons and two avocados for tomorrow…and lots of water.

Sunday Morning - Veggie juice for breakfast (do miss my regular green smoothies- that will be the first thing I have on Monday) and Shilijit mid-day. Ate the last avocado before leaving the hotle. Here at the airport nibbling on brazil nuts, golden berries & mini macaroons and feeling hungry!  Craving an ACAI smoothie that I will have as soon I reach Hartford tonite by 10pm.

Hope the details from my “food diary” are insightful for the purpose of demonstrating that it IS possible to only eat organic if you prepare, research and use principles of moderation! Good luck on your journeys & safe travels!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Women of Green

I am calling for a revolution! Join me and my dear friend, Carolyn Pitts, on her new show WOMEN of GREEN. Listen to the podcast to see what the MAMALUTION is all about.


Go to my website, http://www.mamalution.com/ to join, follow me on Twitter @ MAMALUTION and join the FB MAMALUTION page - let's grow together!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Transition Towns

Transition Town Initiative - start one in your own town! It starts when a small collection of motivated individuals within a community come together with a shared concern: How can our community respond to the challenges and opportunities of peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis?

There is a movement emerging worldwide by necessity based on our inevitable relocalization. It started in Europe and is now moving across the States. It is about re-membering (putting ourselves back together) with ways of the past and the technology of the future.

Check out this video with Rob Hopkins, author of The Transition Handbook

...it is a model which is about ordinary people catalyzing together with their friends, neighbors, community to look at the PRACTICAL responses to peak oil and climate change...growing nuts and bolts of relocalization...based on that where we get to at the end of this can be better than where we start from...

Its origins are inspired by permaculture with a focus on food security because it is the most sensible place to begin. Local food movements are rapidly growing side by side with Transition Initiatives. Communities are establishing their own food systems, creating their own currencies and growing their local economies. It is a movement of optimism and solutions AND it is creating history. Take part!

To find out if there is a movement in your town or to start one, go to: www.transitionus.org

If you are here in CT where I am - mark your calendar for the next TRANSITION TOWN TRAINING right here at in Hartford @ The Growing Green Wellness Center April 10 & 11th. Email me about our ongoing meetings!
Also check out: http://www.shiftthemovie.com/ and http://www.communityplanet.org/

Books to Read:

Transition Town Handbook by Rob Hopkins

Toward 2010: Perspectives on the New Age

The Next Evolution: a Blueprint for Transforming the Planet by Jack Reed

Monday, February 1, 2010

Update & Recipe from the Alchemy Kitchen

Been busy in the Raw Kitchen and blogging on The Green Girls, twitter & FB! Lots going on in the name of community our way! Info to come soon on our Transition Town Initiative, BALLE Chapter, Farm Fundraiser & more....but until then check out some of my Livin' Live videos from Alchemy....

Monday, January 18, 2010

True Food

Are you staying up to date on the latest GM news? Follow Center for Food Safety on FB & Twitter and use these social networking tools to spread the word! Check up my latest blog on http://www.thegreengirls.tv/ about GM foods if this topic is news to you. This is one of the most important issues our generation of mothers will face in our lifestime. Please, keep your instinct intact and your awareness acute. To stay current on the latest, check out my friend Rady Ananda and his up-to-date blog FOOD FREEDOM (http://www.foodfreedom.wordpress.com/ & on Twitter).


Thank you for being awake and paying attention!