Welcome to the Blog for Busy Moms!
This blog is the home of THE MAMALUTION! Calling all moms, grandmoms, sisters & aunts to tap into their instinctual & intuitive wisdom to save the day! It is time for our collective voice to be heard.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

High Vibration Lifestyle Retreat at Grail Springs!

Join me for a special 5 day Sustainable Living & Raw Food Immersion on October 10th-15th   
Discover ways to energize your body, detoxify your temple, clarify your priorities and magnetize your intentions to be aligned with your inner calling. Our focus will be on conscious consumption with food as the foundation to fuel our passion. Together, we will make simple, nutritious and delicious recipes that you can easily duplicate at home on your own. You will learn about the health benefits of eating more high vibration living foods, time saving tips, formulas for multi-tasking around food preparation and raw food basics to ensure your success! Each day we will spend two and a half hours in hands-on, interactive meal preparation and discussion that will nourish us during our entire time together. We will re-awaken and delight your taste buds, ignite your inspiration and activate your life force. Restore your vision. Renew your Spirit. Reunite with your Tribe!
Recipes and related literature will be made available to each participant to take home!

Our Mamaliscious Menu:   
Simple & Delicious Live Food Recipes & Hands-on Demos to Inspire, Purify and Restore

Food Preparation Class Themes:
MonDay 1 – Dressings, Soups & Marinades; overview of sprouting
TuesDay 2 – Dehydration 1 & Nut Pates (flax crax, nuts & seeds)
WednesDay 3- Nut Cheeses/Nut Mylks & Tasty Treats
ThursDay 4– Dehydration 2 (kale chips, granola & pizza crusts)
FriDay 5 – Decadent Desserts

Daily Itinerary:
  • 7:45am Wake-up with Wheatgrass/E3 Live Shot followed by 20-min 'Break-a-Sweat'
  • 8:15am morning breakfast refresher
  • 8:45am Grail Morning Mantra
  • 9am Intuitive Yoga with Imani
  • 10:30-1:30pm Hands-on-Food Preparation and Demonstration Class each day - preparing your own lunch with Imani
  • 1:30pm Nature Hike
  • 2:30-5pm spa leisure time
  • 5:00 Meditation & Mantra
  • 6pm dinner (prepared during food prep)
  • 7pm Each evening we gather in the beautiful Great Hall for an evening of “inspirationals” on living a sustainable life!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Awakening the Dreamer

Changing the Dream of the Modern World: Awakening the Dreamer Initiative

In the mid-1990's, through a mysterious set of circumstances, a group of North Americans visited a remote and intact group of indigenous people - the Achuar - located deep in the Amazonian region of Ecuador.
This relationship that was to become The Pachamama Alliance, was actually initiated by the indigenous elders and shamans themselves who, out of their deep concern for the growing threat to their ancient way of life, and their recognition that the roots of this threat lay far beyond their rainforest home, actively sought the partnership of committed individuals living in the modern world.

They remind us that one of the most powerful actions that can be taken in support of the rainforest and its inhabitants is to “change the dream of the North,” since it is our dream—our desires and appetites—that is driving the destruction of the rainforests around the world. Ultimately, to assure the long-term survival of our rainforests, and indeed of the natural world and even ourselves, we need to address the core values and ways of seeing the world that are deeply imbedded in our modern worldview.

Thus, AWAKEN THE DREAMER was born as a multi-sensory and participatory exploration of the challenges facing us during this most critical time. Around the world groups are gathering, a 12 step program of sorts for those “addicted to oil” and the culture it has created. The facilitated program incorporates stunning and powerful visuals interspersed with dialog within the group about the feelings (the fear, shame, guilt, overwhelm…) that we all share when confronted with the reality facing us today.

The mission of AWAKEN THE DREAMER is to bring forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just human presence on Planet Earth. It is a great precursor to the Transition Town Initiative (www.transitiontown.us) that call citizens to come together to find creative solutions in their own community for the challenges presented around peak oil, climate change and economic collapse.

In the meantime, check out the video from the recent Awaken the Dreamer Symposium I attended in Ontario at Grail Springs (www.grailsprings.com) that my dear friend Madeline hosted!